Home-XXL Web Hosting Package
The Home-XXL business package is designed for popular or large web sites, boasting plenty of resources to host large files such as videos or high quality photos. It's a great starting point for sole traders or small businesses who wish to expand their online presence and sell products online.
Home-XXL Plan Features

30GB SSD web space
mammoth storage space, even for large online communities & multimedia sites

1000GB monthly bandwidth
that's ample for around 100,000 monthly visits to an average web site

20 e-mail accounts
create your own personalised e-mail addresses, such as name@mysite.co.uk

10 sub-domains
seperate your web site with sub-domains like "photos.mysite.co.uk"

20 MySQL databases
databases are used to power dynamic/CMS tools like Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal

10 FTP accounts
ftp accounts allow you to quciky upload your files using an FTP client like FileZilla

Host 10 web sites
you can host ten web sites with this package - i.e. mysite.co.uk and myothersite.co.uk

1-click Wordpress installer
and others, including shopping carts and photo galleries

Up to 2 vCPU / 1.5GB RAM
perfect for busy or demanding sites more info

Professional, helpful support
Our team is here to help when you need it the most, with < 1 hour typical response time
just £9.99 per month! order now
Web hosting powered by...

cPanel is the most advanced, yet easy to use web hosting control panel on the planet. It boasts hundreds of items and features to make administering your web site and e-mail accounts a doddle.

NGINX is a high-performance, multi-core optimised web server. Coupled with NAXSI, it offers powerful protection against DDoS attacks and hacks.

CloudLinux OS is a fast and stable system with advanced resource usage control and user isolation, ensuring unparalleled site speed and uptime.

PHP is the core framework powering most sites on the web. You can choose the perfect PHP version for your site, 5.x or 7.x with a few clicks.

Varnish Cache is a web app accelerator that speeds up your site. We've seen it make Wordpress sites load up to 50x faster!

Apache sits at the heart of our servers, interfacing with all magical technologies around it to actually process and serve your web site.
Speed and performance
Using the CloudLinux OS, we've improved the speed and performance of your site by limiting and isolating hosting accounts to prevent a single user from consuming too many resources. Additionally, the CloudLinux CageFS system keeps your data safe and secure from unauthorised users.
CPU power
Up to 2 vCPU
More CPU power means your site can serve visitor requests faster
Memory (RAM)
The more RAM you have, the more visitors and activities your account can process
Number of processes
Up to 15 processes
Dictates the number of activities processing data at once
MySQL resources
Up to 30 connections
This prevents MySQL server from being overloaded
Storage speed
Read and write speed of the storage area, limited to prevent abuse
Number of inodes
75,000 files/folders
The amount of files and/or folders you can have under your account